"How can we help you?"

Have you begun an update/remodel and just need help making selections? Or are you looking for someone to give you recommendations on changing the look of your space? Jan Fix Design Group can provide you with consultative design services for any scope or scale of project.

The design professionals at Jan Fix Design Group can:

The design professionals at Jan Fix Design Group will help you develop the plan that can be executed at whatever scope or scale, whenever you're ready, at your leisure.

"DIY or Jan Fix Design Group"

If you're a Do-It-Yourself-er, then you're all set, but if you don't have the time or the resources to implement your plan, Jan Fix Design Group can provide qualified professionals to implement it for you.

GREEN/leader Accredited Professional endorsed by the Sustainable              Furnishings Council and approved by ranking staff of Rainforest Alliance, World Wildlife Fund and one of the co-founders of USGBC/LEED.

Jan Fix Design Group - Specializing in Interior Design & Outdoor Living
630.464.0511 :: info@janfixdesigngroup.com :: www.janfixdesigngroup.com
810 Fox Glen Drive :: St. Charles, Illinois 60174